Sunday, November 1, 2009

A stone and timber fence is going up along Grand.

One of the advantages of making taking a walk along the river.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Overlook update

The Overlook deck is nearing completion. Only a small portion of the desk remains to be finished.

Click image to enlarge

The fishing area now has a bench. There was a photo of the stone work leading down to the river last week.
Click image to enlarge

The boardwalk down to the river now has a railing.
Click image to enlarge

I visited the it twice this week, and both times there were people walking it. It is allready beginning to attract attention.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Early October update

Lots of activity since I last posted:

If you stay on the Court House side of the river, and go to the bottom of Mustang Street, you can see the boat dock. It is still under construction, but is going to be very attractive. In the photo, the boat ramp railing is not in place, but you can make out both the ramp and stairway (on the left). It was drizzling while I shot this photo, but it wasn't keeping folks from enjoying the River Walk, already. You can walk on boardwalk or sidewalk all the way from Heritage Park to the weir. Once at the weir, there is a stairway down, making it easy to cross the paluxy.
Click to enlarge

The River Walk seems to be nicely connected to Heritage Park, now.
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Park like places to rest.
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The stair way down to the weir top has been installed.
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The Outlook is just starting to take form.
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The fishing spot:
Click to enlarge

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Rain. Townlake has water, again.

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From Mustang Street. There is now a nice ramp down to the river bottom. The heavy equipment removing silt from of the river seems to have used Mustang St. for river access.

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The walkway down to the boat dock is easy to see.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Getting down to Town Lake

The river looks pretty dry, but the boat dock is easy to see, now.

Click to enlarge

The RiverWalk is on the left, and the ramp down to the boat dock is on the right. A dry TownLake would make it hard to float much this August.

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This stair way will provide a faster way down to the boat dock.

Click to enlarge

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The walk way begins to take shape.

The boat dock will be below the heavy equipment in the distance. The photo was taken from the river, right below the start of the River Walk, looking down stream.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Construction at the bend

Looking at the 'road-bend' construction. The bridge to court-house square is in the distance. The River Walk from Heritage Park's pavilion to the place I'm standing can be visualized with a little imagination. The 'road' down in the river is for equipment to get down to the bottom of the slope. The heavy equipment is building up the river bank and needs some way to get in and out of the river. Widening the bank to make room for the River Walk is a big project..

Looking at the 'road-bend' from the other side. The Paluxy weir is down stream (NE), in this general direction.

'Construction central': the equipment and construction materials have to have a home somewhere.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Progress on future boat dock

The boat dock will be here. The bank is being thickened to allow construction of the River Walk at the top of the bank.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Work along the river edge

Work along the river edge. The bridge to the court house square is in the distance.

Click on the image to see more detail.

Trail cleared

Over the weekend, I walked from Heritage Park to the weir and back. A lot had changed, and I took too many photos.

It looked like all the clearing had been completed. A temporary road has been built below the narrow portion of trail adjacent to Heritage park. The temporary road is right on the river. The temporary fence at the end of Grand has been removed, allowing construction to proceed all the way from Heritage Park to the Paluxy weir.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 4th holiday weekend

Some clearing took place last week, but nothing seemed to call for a photo.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Construction begins!

Yellow warning tape and stakes with orange ribbon have popped up on the construction site.

The heavy equipment has arrived.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Constructions sites

Leaving the new parking, we can look east along Grand. This inconspicuous spot will be the river outlook. The turn in Grand Ave forces the River Walk to cross a narrow ledge between the Paluxy River and Grand Ave. As the River Walk heads down stream, part of the trail will be a board walk.

The future River Walk outlook

Near this location, there will be a boat dock.

The future Boat Dock

This is the end of Grand Ave. The River Walk through the opening on the left. Just on the other side we will construct the Fishing Spot, and connect to the Paluxy weir. From there, you can cross to Barnard St. and Big Rock Park.

Approaching the future Fishing Spot

New parking lot and Grand Ave Construction

The new parking lot on the east side of Heritage Park. We are looking north along Grand Ave. towards the Paluxy river. Once the boat dock and river outlook are completed, this will be a convenient place to park. As Grand Ave. approaches the Paluxy, it turns east, heading downstream along the Paluxy.